iSpeedDial by Mr. Gik

The following links & options can be used

Link format: sss://nnn-nnnn?opt=c

where sss is the 'Scheme',
nnn-nnnn the phone number and
opt=c the 'Settings Modifiers'.

tel:// 'General' Phone Link
(Call, if 'Ask for Action' = OFF)
call://'Call Number' Link
sms://'Send an SMS' Link
facetime://'Connect using Facetime' Link
multi://Multi Action link

multi: Action link example
 <a href='multi://cal:5551212&sms:email1&facetime:email2'> 

When tapped you will be asked to do one of the following:
  1. Call number 5551212 or
  2. Send a message to email1 or
  3. Connect with Facetime to email2

Settings Modifiers (override the settings)
Call number 'nnn-nnnn' after confirmation
Call 'nnn-nnnn' immediately (no confirmation!)

Ask what action to do with 'nnn-nnnn'
Call 'nnn-nnnn'
even if Ask for Action switch is ON

Example code: <a href='sms://555-1212?ask=Y'>
The above link, when tapped, will ask to send
an SMS to phone number 555-1212 regardless
what the current settings are.

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Info, comments, help, suggestions: iphone (at) (very important: Use as subject: "iSpeedDial" otherwise the spam filter will reject it) ... or just use this communication form.
Copyright: Mr. Gik (v1.0